For many wine enthusiasts, their collections are one of their most prized possessions. At Vino Vault, we know that there are many uncertainties when it comes to finding a partner to care for your wine, which is why we are one of the only companies with ownership of the entire chain of custody- including storage, logistics and advisory.

Our acquisition of Western Carriers private collector storage and transportation business is a testament to our promise on delivering an end-to-end experience for all of our clients, ensuring peace of mind every step of the way.

Preservation and protection are at the core of all of our services – collections kept in the most ideal conditions at all of our storage facilities, in-house transportation solutions that are kept at the highest caliber of operations, and relationships with auction houses and wine industry thought leaders that help inform our clients of how to better optimize their assets. One thing I’ve learned in hearing from our clients across the U.S. is that they’ve grown tired of the outdated and inefficient solutions currently available to them, leaning on an industry that hasn’t kept pace with innovations of their solutions or services. The other thing I’ve learned? As much as they value their wine collections, they value their time even more.

We’re working across the country to ensure every location has the most up to date technology and services available to every client we work with; whether they’re simply storing a large collection with us, or monetizing their collection through our Vino Vault Marketplace (officially launching later this year). We’ll also be introducing our proprietary “Bottle Scan” technology utilizing AI to identify wine as it comes into storage- at first scan. On the logistics side, WineTrax will allow clients to monitor their wine shipment during transportation, with data as granular as geography, temperature, and arrival times.

We are proud to be at the forefront of fine wine storage and management for our clients, and will continue to innovate in the space to ensure wine ownership gets back its roots; to be simple, hassle free, and enjoyable.